


May 2017

Different Website, Different Password

For each website, app, or service you use, you should use a separate password. This post explains why.

When you sign up for an online service or a mobile app you are often asked to register with a username and password. For many services, the username is your email address. Other services ask you for a username, but then also ask for your email address to be used as a recovery mechanism just in case you get locked out of the service.

An attacker may compromise one service by hacking their website. They gain access to the list of usernames and protected passwords. Depending on how the passwords have been protected, if at all, and how long your password is, the attacker may be able to determine your password. The attacker then tries out your email address and password combination on dozens of websites simultaneously. This may lead to the user’s accounts being accessed on multiple websites.

Websites such as now take security seriously. User’s who use the same password on multiple sites provide a way for attackers to take over their account that Facebook can’t prevent. If you have used the same password on multiple sites, then you are relying on the security of the weakest, most poorly funded site, to keep all of your accounts on the other websites secure.

What you should do:

  • Have a different password for each website.
  • Use a password manager to store your user name and password details.
  • If offered, use a two factor authentication mechanism (send a code via text message for instance).

Choosing a Good Password

What is a good password? Your girl friend’s, boy friend’s, or partner’s name? A common English word, but in Spanish? Your favorite password which you have used for past five years? I know people who have and still do use these types of passwords!

To understand how to choose a good password, it helps to understand how websites use passwords and how attackers try to break passwords. Websites typically store user’s user names and passwords in a database. The passwords should be stored in processed form. That is, when the user first registers with the website, the password should be processed and then stored. When the user logs in again, their password should be processed in the same way and then compared with the stored processed password. If the processed password used for logging in matches the stored processed password then the user has entered the correct password and should be let into the system.

Attackers find a vulnerability or weakness in a website and then steal the database file with the list of user names and processed passwords. Once in possession of the database file, they can then perform an, “offline attack”, in which they perform their attack using their own computing resources. An “online attack” would be where the attack happens inside the network of the attacked website.

Attackers determine how the passwords have been processed by analyzing the website’s code. They then perform a dictionary attack, in which they try out a long list of possible passwords.  Historically, this list would be simply a list of common dictionary words. These days the list would include tens of millions of dictionary words, names, words from different languages, with combinations of various numbers and characters.

Another baseline attack to keep in mind is a Brute Force attack. For this attack and attacker tries all combinations of passwords.

Some websites don’t process stored passwords. These websites sometimes reveal this to their users by emailing them their passwords. Have a look at to see websites which have been reported doing this. If an attacker hacks one of these websites, then they have your password, no matter how complex it is.

How long it takes an attacker to try each password depends on how the password was processed by the website. Assuming the website has done a salted hash or better (more on password processing in a latter blog post), then depending on the precise algorithm used, an attacker could try approximately 1,000,000,000 per CPU core per second, and could perhaps arrange for 10,000 parallel CPU cores to operate in parallel, then the attacker could try around 10,000,000,000,000 passwords per second = 1 x 1013 passwords per second. There are around 31,536,000 seconds per year. As such, an attacker could try around 3 x 1020 passwords per year.

On a standard keyboard there are around 70 characters (allowing for UPPER case characters) which users are likely to use. If a user creates an eleven character random password, then there are 2 x 1020 possible password combinations. As such, to have a secure password which attackers would need to allocate considerable resources to breaking for a year, your password needs to be twelve random characters long or longer.

Personally, I don’t use completely random passwords. I find them impossible to remember even temporarily and difficult to enter. I create passwords which are based on groups of randomly associated real words, some unreal words, combined with numbers and special characters. My typical passwords are fifteen to twenty five characters long.

The problem with long passwords is how to remember them. I suggest that everyone use a password manager app.

Some example passwords which seem good to me:

  • Iw0uldntWritSky99
  • JustGoing###23Nice
  • S0eedP89ackets__Hist
  • WorNoFinishe12*1234

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